Yay !!! I have officially joined the Crockpot league .....now what ??? This is exactly where I am right now :) I have my Slow cooker sitting on the counter top for quiet some time now, and as any novice would be I am clueless. Of course I turned to the most efficient and reliable source I know , my fellow bloggers and found some interesting recipes at Jeenas, Pravs and Manishas. But my concern is the dos and donts .......So , is there something you can share? your experiences , tips and tricks, biggest no nos :) best crockpot recipe? party recipes ? etc ...etc ...
Announcing the first ever event to be hosted by Lazzat... "SOS Slow Cooker" . This is how it works ...

Share your experiences , tips and tricks, biggest no nos :) best crock pot recipe, party recipes, etc ...etc ... nothing is trivial....anything related to the crock pot/slow cooker .
Archived/Old posts are welcome too, as long as they are reprinted using the logo .
You can email me at bloglazzat@gmail.com on or before June 30th with subject line SOS Slow Cooker with the following details: Your name, Name of your blog, Name of your dish, Url, Picture (Optional)
The round up will hopefully be posted by July 4th.
Non-bloggers may send in their entries with or without a picture to the above email id and I will include it in the roundup.
Please don't forget to link back to this post announcing the event.
Feel free to use the logo.
Looking forward to your contributions. Have a great weekend y'all.